/BCO-DMO/Antarctic_Inverts/Cannon_2014_TS2 --taxon eq Spengelidae-- Level 1

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#   Hemichordata and Echinodermata sample log and accessions
#   PI: K. Halanych (Auburn U)
#   version: 2016-12-22
#   NOTE: These data were published in Table S2 of Cannon, et a 28(2014) Current Biology 24,oi.org/10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.10.016
#      When two numbers are reported, this represents 2 separate sequencing runs from a given taxon.
#      Links to GenBank accessions are to the first one only.
species                         taxa_new_to_study  source                                          num_reads              num_unigenes  HaMStR_OGs  NCBI_accession                         link_NCBI_accession  
Schizocardium c.f. braziliense  yes                HudsonAlpha (Illumina); Engencore (454 GS-FLX)  40083244 & 98989       101457        744         SAMN03012605                           SAMN03012605  
Schizocardium c.f. braziliense  yes                HudsonAlpha (Illumina); Engencore (454 GS-FLX)  40083244 & 98989       101457        744         SAMN03012582                           SAMN03012582